Creating Jobs Through Education or Incentives


  • Reinhold Kosciuw


Research Development, Education and Training, Economic Professionalism, Federal Incentives, International Development


Canada has experienced a decline in economic productivity and growth. This article reviews the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development’s study detailing what has been restricting Canada's productivity improvements within the past two decades. First, Canada should commit to investing in quality education and training within the industry in order to prepare the youth for Canada’s economic future. Second, the Canadian government must invest in research and development within the private sector to match global levels. Third, Canada needs to improve its professionalism in economic development in order to expand into the international sphere. Fourth, incentives to increase local economic development that aid in the creation of new jobs. In concentrating on these four aspects, Canada can regain its competitiveness as a response to the decline in economic productivity.

Author Biography

Reinhold Kosciuw

Reinhold F. Kosciuw is the Economic Development Director for the City of Owen Sound (Ont.). From 1986  to 1989 he was Director of the British Columbia office in Duesseldorf, West Germany, responsible for promoting trade and investment between Europe and the province. Reinhold holds an M.B.A. in  International Studies from the University of British Columbia, is a member of the EDCO Education Committee and chairs the EDAC Scholarship Committee.




How to Cite

Kosciuw, R. (2021). Creating Jobs Through Education or Incentives. Economic Development Journal of Canada, 76–77. Retrieved from