Seven Communities in Search of a Brain Gain


  • Robert Bell


Seven cities and regions named Top7 Intelligent Communities are models for using broadband and information technology to grow their economies, solve social problems and enrich their cultures instead. At a time when many places are still wrestling with how get their citizens a decent broadband service, these communities are making great strides at turning that broadband asset into sustainable prosperity.

Author Biography

Robert Bell

Robert Bell is co-author of the soon-to-be-published Brain Gain, which explores how to create high-quality employment at a time when business and government must innovate as never before to maintain their competitive edge. More at He is also co-founder of the Intelligent Community Forum, and the director of its research, analysis and content development activities.




How to Cite

Bell, R. (2014). Seven Communities in Search of a Brain Gain. Economic Development Journal of Canada. Retrieved from