Gas prices have relaxed, the Canadian dollar is back to a reasonable level


  • Luc Courtois President, 180 Marketing


Website, Destination, Economic Development


Travel destination decisions are heavily influenced by how well your site delivers what the prospect is looking for. When destination marketers started using the web as a marketing vehicle, we were designing sites as an online brochure. Up until a couple of years ago this was fine. A well designed brochure style site didn't do too badly with conversions. This isn't nearly as effective anymore. Now imagine a site that has incredible converting power, a site that not only delivers visual appeal, but literally speaks to the prospect and guides them where to click next. The bottom line is that your web site should be working 24-7 as a virtual sales agent.




How to Cite

Courtois, L. (2009). Gas prices have relaxed, the Canadian dollar is back to a reasonable level. Economic Development Journal of Canada. Retrieved from